The Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) protocol allows the use of the Internet as a cost-effective, reliable, low-latency contribution link. It is available in a number of Cobalt products, support both RIST Simple Profile and RIST Main Profile features. Learn more about RIST here.
Protect your transport stream with SafeLink. Safelink protects live video and audio data over unsecured networks, thereby eliminating video hits or glitches. By using a low latency protocol, Reliable Internet Streaming Transport, SafeLink provides reliable video transport even in live production environments that may experience network delay. Learn more about SafeLink here.
Compression Products that Support RIST licenses
9223-SSingle-Channel 3G/HD/SD MPEG-4 Encoders
9223-DDual-Channel 3G/HD/SD MPEG-4 Encoders
9223-SA-SSingle-Channel 3G/HD/SD MPEG-4 Standalone Encoder Units
9223-SA-DDual-Channel 3G/HD/SD MPEG-4 Standalone Encoder Units
BBG-1123-ENC (Discontinued)Single-Channel 3G/HD/SD MPEG-4 Standalone Encoder Units
BBG-1123-ENC2 (Discontinued)Dual-Channel 3G/HD/SD MPEG-4 Standalone Encoder Units
BBG-1190-DEC-MPEG (Discontinued)Standalone MPEG4 AVC and MPEG2 Decoder with ASI and IP Inputs and SDI Outputs
9992-ENC COBALT PACIFICHEVC Upgradeable AVC / MPEG2 Software Defined Broadcast Encoder
9992-4ENC-4K-HEVC COBALT PACIFIC4K HEVC / AVC / MPEG2 Software Defined Broadcast Encoder
9992-DEC COBALT PACIFIC HEVC Upgradeable AVC/MPEG-2 Software Defined Broadcast Decoder
9992-2DEC COBALT PACIFICDual Upgradeable AVC/MPEG-2 Software Defined Broadcast Decoder
COBALT PACIFIC 9992-2DEC-4K-HEVC4K HEVC/AVC/MPEG-2 Software Defined Broadcast Decoder
9990-DEC-MPEGMPEG4 AVC and MPEG2 Decoder